Criminal Defense Lawyer


The criminal defense lawyers at the Leviner Law Firm understand that a criminal conviction has serious consequences for you and your family.

Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor in the Magistrate Court or a felony in General Sessions Court, you could be looking at substantial fines, license suspension, a criminal record, loss of privileges like gun ownership and occupational licenses, or even the loss of your freedom.

Our defense lawyers have the experience you need to fight your charges and to help you find the best possible outcome in your case.

Criminal Offenses We Can Help You With

Regardless of your situation, our criminal defense lawyers will work one-on-one with you to develop a plan of action to reach the best outcome given your situation.

  • Attempted Murder
  • Assault and Battery 1st, 2nd, 3rd
  • Armed Robbery
  • Arson 1st, 2nd, 3rd
  • Assault upon a Correctional Employee
  • Breach of Trust
  • Breaking into a Motor Vehicle
  • Burglary 1st, Burglary 2nd, Burglary 3rd
  • Domestic Violence (DV/CDV)
  • Disorderly Conduct, Public Intoxication
  • Drug Offenses
  • Fake ID / False ID
  • Felony DUI, Death; Felony DUI Great Bodily Injury
  • Driving Under Suspension
  • Forgery, Financial Transaction Fraud, Forgery, Theft
  • Failure to Stop for a Blue Light
  • All Firearms related charges
  • Grand Larceny
  • Habitual Traffic Offender
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident
  • Malicious Injury to Person Property / Real Property
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder
  • Petty Larceny
  • Pointing or Presenting a Firearm
  • Reckless Driving
  • Reckless Homicide
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Shoplifting
  • Simple Assault
  • Strong Arm Robbery
  • Threatening the Life of a Public Official or Public Employee
  • Trespassing
  • Unlawful Carrying of a Pistol

Choosing the right criminal defense lawyer is critical.

The challenge is figuring out which lawyer is right for you.

No one should attempt to represent themselves in a criminal case in SC – there’s just too much at stake. Not to mention, the criminal defense attorneys at the Leviner Law Firm have knowledge of the law, the courts, and the prosecutors in the low country area, and we have a reputation for fighting for our clients.

Our criminal defense lawyer will:

  • Answer your questions about criminal law in SC,
  • Investigate your case and gather evidence to prove your innocence,
  • Retain experts when needed for consultation or testimony at your trial,
  • Prepare your case for trial and try your case to a jury when necessary, and
  • Negotiate with prosecutors to get your case dismissed or to find the best possible outcome based on your goals.

Why call The Leviner Law Firm?

  • The defense lawyers at Leviner Law Firm will help you to understand your charges and your options in a language that you will understand – no legal jargon necessary.
  • They will include you in all decisions that are made in your case and keep you informed at all stages of your case.
  • They care about you, your family, your case and your rights. They will do everything that is legally and ethically possible to achieve the best result for you.

Don’t wait. The State may be preparing your case for trial right now – you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side who can do the same as soon as possible.

Common Questions About Criminal Defense Lawyers in SC

Whether this is your first contact with the criminal courts in SC or you’ve been down this road before, you have questions. We will answer some of the more common questions that we see below, but you should call the Leviner Law Firm as soon as possible to discuss questions that you may have that are specific to your case.

Q. Can you get my criminal charges dismissed?

A. Maybe – we are often successful in getting our clients’ charges dismissed, but, in most cases, this is not something we can predict at the beginning of your case. Under the ethics rules that govern lawyers in SC, it is also not something that any attorney can guarantee or promise to you.

What we can promise you is that we will work hard to investigate your case, find all possible defenses, and work to get your case dismissed, find a resolution that meets your goals, or try your case to a jury.

Q. Do I have to go to trial?

A. The client always decides whether to go to trial or plead guilty.

In most cases, however, your criminal defense lawyer must investigate your case, interview witnesses, gather evidence, and prepare your case for trial before you can know whether it is in your best interests to accept a plea offer or demand a jury trial.

You never have to go to trial, and in most cases you do not. You must, however, be prepared and willing to go to trial if the state does not agree to dismiss the charge or offer you a plea deal that you can agree to.

Q. Can I get a criminal conviction expunged in SC?

A. Expungements are possible in SC, but only for certain categories of minor offenses. If you believe that you may be eligible for an expungement, call the Leviner Law Firm for a consultation. We will review your criminal history, help you to apply for expungement if your convictions are eligible, and follow through to ensure that your record is expunged.

Q. Do I have to get a criminal defense lawyer?

A. Everyone has the right to represent themselves, but few people choose to do so. In the few cases where we’ve seen defendants attempt to represent themselves pro-se on criminal charges, it can best be described as a slow and painful train wreck.

If you can afford to retain a criminal defense attorney, do so immediately. If you can’t afford it and you meet the income guidelines, the court will provide you with a public defender in General Sessions Court and, in some cases, in the lower courts.

Q. Do criminal defense attorneys “work with the prosecutor”?

A. We do not work for the State and we do not help the prosecutor unless it is to your benefit.

At the Leviner Law Firm, we work hard for you, have a duty of loyalty to you, and will do everything legally and ethically possible to win your case, whether that means negotiating with your prosecutor or going to trial against your prosecutor.

Q. Can you appeal my criminal conviction?

A. If you have been convicted of a crime in SC, make sure that you or your trial lawyer file a notice of appeal within 10 days of the conviction.

Our defense attorneys can then review your case and help you to file an appeal, a post-conviction relief (PCR) action, or both when appropriate. Call us immediately, because there are strict deadlines for filing an appeal or a PCR claim.

Q. Can I really trust a criminal defense attorney?

A. Your criminal defense attorney has a duty of loyalty and confidentiality to you and you alone, and you should be able to trust your attorney. Their job is to win your case if it is possible, and to represent your interests and no one else’s.

Our attorneys understand what is at stake in your criminal case and care about what happens to you. At the Leviner Law Firm, you will stay informed throughout your case, we will answer your questions, and we will do everything we can to earn your trust and provide you with the best defense possible.

What Clients Say About Leviner Law Firm

Amanda Leviner is an ambitious woman of integrity and is passionate about her work. Her and her team work diligently on your behalf and maintain good communication with the client throughout the process.

Amanda is reliable and trustworthy in every sense of the word. She genuinely cares about her clients and the best possible outcome for the individual(s) involved. She is all heels and hustle!

Katie H


The Rules of Professional Conduct require disclosure that this is a “Testimonial” about the attorney.
Please be aware that any result achieved on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

Your Next Steps

Schedule appointment

Call (843) 501-0602 or send us an email to schedule a time to come into our office or to discuss your situation over the telephone.


We’ll discuss the details of your case privately and confidentially, and based on your situation, we will quote a fee for the representation.


Together we can decide if we’re a fit and if not, no hard feelings. Our office will refer you to someone who may be a better fit.

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